DUR-O-Test-Hardness Tester

DUR-O-Test-Hardness Tester

This pocket instrument allows hardness tests on flat and curved surfaces. The instrument consists of a sleeve with a pressure spring that can be bent to various tensions by using a slide. The spring acts on a tungsten carbide needle with its tip extending out of the sleeve. A locking screw fixes the slide, thus maintaining constant spring tension.


Three pressure springs of varying strengths ranging from 0-20 N (0-2000g) are available to cover a large hardness range.

No. 1 silver 0 - 3 N  (0 - 300 g)   division: 10 g, Tolerance: ±0.34N
No. 2 red 0 - 10 N   (0 - 1000 g) division: 50 g. Tolerance: ±1.03N
No. 3 blue 0 - 20 N (0 - 2000 g) division: 100 g, Tolerance: ±1.84N


DIN 55656