Cross-Cut Test

Cross Hatch Adhesion Kit

This method is used for determining the parallel groove paint adhesion of one or many layers on a substrate, generally a metal panel. The Cross Cut blades are
made of hardened steel alloy and are designed for retaining a sharp cutting edge to reduce the frequency of blade replacement.

Cross-Cut Tester Kits are available in 2 different crosscut blade versions, one is a multi-cut blade with 6 cutting edges, the other version has one cutting edge. The movable cutting head always guarantees the same cross-cuts.
The complete set is delivered with appropriate adhesive tape. Replacement bands and cutting edges are in stock.

A version with an ergonomic aluminum handle is also available:Gitterschnitt Alu



ASTM D 3002 D 3359
DIN 927-3  
ISO 2409  

ASTM method D3359 requires 11 cut lines for 1 mm cutter:
1 mm cutter for films up to 50 μm (2 mils) thick
2 mm cutter for films between 50-125 μm (2 - 5 mils) thick

ISO standards ISO standards prescribe that the number of cuts shall be 6, and that the cut in each direction must be according to the film thickness and type of coating used as shown below:
Film thickness:
0 - 60 μm      1 mm space for hard substrates (metal)
0 - 60 μm      2 mm space for soft substrates (plastic)
61 - 120 μm  2 mm space for hard or soft substrates
121 - 250 μm 3 mm space for hard or soft substrates