Discharging equipment

Kubota Brabender Technologie

Founded in 1957, Kubota Brabender Technologie has been involved in dosing, weighing, discharging and flow measurement of bulk materials for over half a century and has grown into one of the world's leading manufacturers in these areas during this time. Brabender devices and systems have become indispensable in all industrial sectors that process bulk materials, e.g. B. in the plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, feed, detergent, ceramics, glass and building materials industries as well as countless other industrial sectors.

Depending on their composition, bulk materials differ greatly in their flow behavior. This can be observed during storage and especially during discharge: If a bulk material becomes compacted, for example when being discharged from a silo, the entire production can be delayed. This is why discharge aids are important because they help bulk materials flow evenly and continuously.

Kubota Brabender Technologie offers you various discharge solutions that have been specially developed for discharging a wide variety of materials from bags, big bags, silos and containers. Even demanding products, such as poorly flowing or snagging bulk materials, are optimally supported by our discharge aids for an uncomplicated flow of bulk materials.


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Brabender- BAV Bin Activator

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Brabender-SiloTray Bin Activator

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Brabender-BagMaster Bag Unloader

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